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Family & Caregiver Workshop
Monday, January 30, 2017, 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM CDT
Category: Events

Family Workshop Agenda

12:30-12:45pm: Registration 
12:45-1:45pm: "Powerful Tools for the Caregiver"
Ruth Hamlin
1:45-2:00pm: Break
"Brain Games"
The Center's Parkinson's Group
2:00-3:00pm- "Understanding Changes in Your Loved One"
Kiely Madhavan, Neuropsychologist, Quality Living Incorporated (QLI)
3:00-3:15pm- Break 
3:15-4:00- Advocacy, Support and Services
Krys Purscell, NeuroResource Facilitator, Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa 
4:15-4:30- Falls Prevention Assessment Overview
Lois Turner, Director of Fitness, The Center 
4:30-4:40- Wrap-Up , Q & A , program evaluation. 
Click here to Register 
Finding Your Way: Supporting Families Affected by Brain Injury